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07.05.2012 - Ford Fan Award 2012

Auch in diesem Jahr möchten wir wieder beim For Fan Award mitmachen.
Hier gibts schonmal das Video.


Der Mustang Clube do Paraná hat ein schickes Video gedreht und es unserem Vize Stefan Arendt mit folgender Mail zukommen lassen:

Dear Friends from Europe,
My name is Mauricio and I am the communications director of Mustang Club of Paraná - Situated 400 kms south from São Paulo, we come to you to register our club in your website. Please, check out our website at: We have more than 80 registered Mustangs from 1965 to 2012 (including a 2011 Daytona Pace car ). We would like to get in touch with you in order to make a partnership. Please reply to me whenever is possible. The Mustang Club of Paraná, completing its 11 year history decided to celebrate this date with our club members in a unique way! In partnership with some companies, we developed a sponsorship to run a video commemorating the club history, featuring most of all its members, their cars and the passion that moves us when it comes to the Ford Mustang. Following the example and inspiration of our friends from Mustang Klub of Poland, we decided to address this subject in a professional way and we created the "MUSTANG PASSION BRASIL." This video was filmed for three months in various locations of Curitiba and the coast of our state, located in southern part of Brazil. The result you are about to see has been achieved with much sweat, dedication and above all PASSION. Made just with our local members´ cars, the video seeks to identify the different styles of this same passion, showing the cars and their owners, with the idea that just by having a Mustang to automatically be infected by the virus of the "Mustang Passion", establishing a forever record of our actual moment and immortalize, not just the owners or their cars, but above all, that each style is unique, such as this car, for nearly 50 years now! We would like to thank the sponsors, colleagues and friends of the Mustang Klub Poland and the Mustang Club of America who participated indirectly in making this dream come true. So turn up the volume, relax and above all enjoy this visual record, this is our present for this racing legend who is the Ford Mustang!

Check now the first video series:

Thank you. Mauricio Sebastiany Communications Director – MCP Hope to get in touch soon. Mauricio B. Sebastiany Comunications Director Mustang Clube do Paraná

16.04.2012 - Forum down

Leider ist zur Zeit das Forum nicht erreichbar. Wir wissen nicht warum und hoffen aber, dass es bald wieder Verfügbar ist.